Directions to Spreespeicher

How to find us

Address & Directions

Stralauer Allee 2
10245 Berlin 

Public transport

All public transport options are within a radius of only 500 metres. The S+U station Warschauer Straße is served by the S-Bahn and U-Bahn as well as the M10 tram. If you are travelling from Berlin Hauptbahnhof or Berlin Ostbahnhof, you can use the S-Bahn. The bus stop "Oberbaumbrücke" is located directly at the corner of Stralauer Allee and Warschauer Straße. The underground station Schlesisches Tor is also in the immediate vicinity.

Parking spaces

During the day we recommend the underground car park of the neighbouring hotel nhow Berlin or on the opposite side of the street the parking spaces in the parking zone Naglerstraße or Ehrenbergstraße.

Arrival from the airport

From Schönefeld Airport, go to the station Flughafen Berlin-Schönefeld and take the S-Bahn towards Ostkreuz.