Questions about the offer

Frequently asked questions about our offers

We hope we were able to make you an interesting offer for your event. We are sure that you have questions about your offer, which we will be happy to answer personally. However, here you will find the "Frequently Asked Questions" about our offers:

As event dates can very often still change, we offer you a direct look at our booking calendar to make it easier for you to find the right date. 

- View all availabilities

Due to the large number of requests, we do not have the possibility to option or reserve individual dates. 

We cordially invite you to a personal viewing appointment. In the signature of your contact person you will find the link "Make an appointment", to have all available time slots displayed directly. 

If you do not find the date that suits you, we alternatively offer you a virtual tour as well as participation in one of our group tours. 

You can find the overview of all group visits here.

If you have received an offer via our offer configurator, you can edit it at any time via the link "Edit offer". However, please take into account the individual minimum turnover per location and the displayed room availability. 

If you have any questions, we can help you at any time by telephone.

You will find the selection of our current catering proposals in our Customer area.